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The Mother of All Car Washes

July 27, 2011 by Matt

Detailing Service

If you can’t join ’em, detail their cars.

Although, at the going rate of around $16,000 for the full treatment, Dubai’s Frederick Faidhi may well be able to “join ’em” sooner rather than later.

He runs Monza Ultimate Detailing and Protection, a money-no-object detailing company based in the UAE. His well-off customers, frequently younger men, shell out anywhere from $10,000 to $16,000 for the outfit’s services, which include microscopically-inspected paint care and restoration as well as fanatically fastidious upholstery maintenance. The object of the 25-30 hour treatments is for the cars to drive away in better-than-new condition. Faidhi says,

“Ten cars are in my work shop right now and it’s spectacular to come in in the morning and enjoy spending time with these incredible cars.”

I guess there’s more than one way to hang out with cars you lust after.

Filed under: Miscellaneous, News

1 Comment

  1. Reminds me of a really interesting Car and Driver article years ago about an East L.A. paint shop that did ultra high-end work — I don’t remember the name, but it was a long-running operation. Very expensive, but also very much a labor of love.

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